Werner Almesberger
2015-08-09 23:18:20 UTC
Three weeks ago, Dave and I asked for feedback on your preferences
for community-based financing of the Anelok project, specifically
for the remaining R&D work and then moving it towards production.
First of all, thanks to all who have responded to the poll !
The responses we received showed a high degree of generosity (all
offered donations), but the total amount offered was very small,
less than 1% of what we would need to see this through R&D.
Unfortunately, the idea of investing into the project (with a
corresponding participation in revenue) does not seem to have much
appeal - at least nobody considered that option.
This means that we will need to find a "plan B" to fund the next
stage of development.
A kickstarter style campaign may be an option, but we had hoped to
reach a more polished prototype beforehand. Any ideas would be
welcome !
I'll pitch Anelok at the CCCamp, but this is more a place for
finding developers (which we need, too) than investors.
- Werner
for community-based financing of the Anelok project, specifically
for the remaining R&D work and then moving it towards production.
First of all, thanks to all who have responded to the poll !
The responses we received showed a high degree of generosity (all
offered donations), but the total amount offered was very small,
less than 1% of what we would need to see this through R&D.
Unfortunately, the idea of investing into the project (with a
corresponding participation in revenue) does not seem to have much
appeal - at least nobody considered that option.
This means that we will need to find a "plan B" to fund the next
stage of development.
A kickstarter style campaign may be an option, but we had hoped to
reach a more polished prototype beforehand. Any ideas would be
welcome !
I'll pitch Anelok at the CCCamp, but this is more a place for
finding developers (which we need, too) than investors.
- Werner